Case Study : Styrofoam Mould Manufacturer
Reduced iron level in Accumulator Condensate

Reduced iron level in Accumulator Condensate from >1000ppb down to 150ppb

Decreased number
of products

Reduced cleaning hours from 36 hours to 8 hours

Lowered conductivity in
Accumulator Condensate from 550mmhos down to 40mmhos
An Alberta-based Styrofoam mould manufacturing company was experiencing high conductivity and iron levels in returning in their condensate, causing iron deposition in the boiler.
They were also dissatisfied with the cost and number of products they were using to try and to manage their water treatment program.
The high rate of blowdown was also concerning as it is one of the largest consumers of water in their community.
The mold machines needed to be cleaned on a quarterly basis to remove caked-on material from the manufacturing process. This job would normally involve three operators and take more than 12 hours to complete, as per their program requirements.
“As I was washing out the mould, I could see the water beading on the surface like when you have just waxed your car.’’
- Operator comment
To address their issues, we recommended Aquafilm V, as a single-drum solution, that is all-organic.
The motivation for the change to Aquafilm V was to improve the quality of the condensate. It also aimed to reduce the number of products and complexity of the water treatment program.
- Iron levels soon dropped from >500ppb down to 50ppb.
- Additionally, Aquafilm V helped to reduce the conductivity of the condensate and the feedwater to allow for higher cycles of concentration and reduced blowdown, saving water.
- The largest advantage was realized when they had their quarterly shutdown for cleaning the moulds.
- Previously, the material deposition strongly adhered to the aluminum surfaces.
Now, the material sloughs off easily with only the use of a power washer. - The turnaround was completed in 4 hours with reduced manpower.
Stop wasting time and resources:
reduce your chemical consumption!